120 Conner Drive | Suite 201 | Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 | 919.960.0155
Payment and Insurance
As a benefit to our patients we will submit claims for patients with dental insurance.
You will be responsible for the estimated portion that your insurance company does not cover. After reimbursement from your insurance company you will be responsible for any outstanding balance.
All insurance companies vary on the amount of coverage.
To get a more accurate estimate please contact your provider or refer to your policy manual. We will be happy to assist you in finding any necessary information for this process. For those of you without dental coverage, we offer Care Credit, a low interest payment plan. Contact our office for details.
For patients who do not have insurance or choose not to use Care Credit, full payment is expected at time services are rendered. We accept payment in the form of cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
For questions concerning payment and insurance, please contact our Insurance Coordinator and Financial Counselor at (919) 960-0155 or insurance@ellisdentistry.com. Thank you.